This is a reminder that I’m hosting a live US election chat today at 3:30 pm PT/6:30 pm ET with forecasters Jean-Pierre Beugoms, Scott Eastman, and Atief Heermance. Anyone who subscribes to Telling the Future can participate in the chat, so I hope you’ll join us.
On Sunday—if you’re a subscriber you probably got a notification from Substack—I turned on subscriber chat for Telling the Future. That’s because I’m hosting my live US election chat today, October 17 at 3:30 pm PT/6:30 pm ET with forecasters Jean-Pierre Beugoms, Scott Eastman, and Atief Heermance.
This live hangout will be an opportunity for Telling the Future subscribers to talk about this extremely interesting election with three of the best and most interesting forecasters I know. We’ll talk about things like how predictive the polls are, why betting markets favor Trump while forecasting models favor Harris, and what might happen after the election. Anyone who subscribes to Telling the Future can participate. If you’re not already a subscriber, you can become one now using the button below.
You can join the chat from your browser or using the Substack app. To join the chat on the Substack app, click on the two conversation bubbles at the bottom right and you’ll see a list of available chats and select the Telling the Future chatroom. If you want to get started on the conversation early, I’ve posted a pre-live-chat thread where you can post any comments or questions you have. If you have any questions about how to join the chat, you can check out Substack’s FAQ.
I’m looking forward to talking about the US election with you today. I hope you’ll join us, and not just because I’ll be pretty embarrassed if no one shows up. This is an experiment for me, but if you enjoy it, I’ll try to hold more chats with expert forecasters like this in the future. The more people who participate the better, so please share this with anyone you think might be interested!